We received notification from Elavon/Converge in regards to the upcoming SHA2 and TLS 1.2 deadline – what do we need to update?

After October 31, 2016, any customer who is sending transactions via a SHA 1 connection and/or lower than TLS 1.2 through Elavon will not be able to process payments (You can read about SHA2/TLSv1.2 here).

We will release an update to the CCWP by the end of October, in the meantime in order to comply with Elavon/Converge requirements for SHA2 TLS 1.2 – you have to change following in your Credit Card Payments WordPress plugin code:
1) Open wp-content/plugins/payment_terminal_pro/terminals/elavon/includes/config.php with any text editor and change line 46 and 48 as per below:

Line 46 – define(‘GATEWAY_URL’,’https://demo.myvirtualmerchant.com/VirtualMerchantDemo/process.do’);
Line 48 – define(‘GATEWAY_URL’,’https://www.myvirtualmerchant.com/VirtualMerchant/process.do’);

Line 46 – define(‘GATEWAY_URL’,’https://api.demo.convergepay.com/VirtualMerchantDemo/process.do’);
Line 48 – define(‘GATEWAY_URL’,’https://api.convergepay.com/VirtualMerchant/process.do’);

2) Now open wp-content/plugins/payment_terminal_pro/terminals/elavon/includes/elavon.class.php and add below code on line 88 (line 88 is empty line, above $response_data = curl_exec($ch);  )
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSLVERSION, 6); // forces curl to use TLS 1.2

3) In addition to the above – you will need to ensure that your hosting has latest CURL module with TLS v1.2 support. If after above changes your live transactions won’t go through and will timeout, most likely the issue is in CURL on your server not supporting TLS v1.2 and you will need to rectify this with your hosting provider.

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