Bookingwizz for WordPress Addon Changelog
New in version 1.4 (June 2014)
- updated code to support BookingWizz v5.5
- fixed background issues
- updated header menu in wordpress bookingwizz dashboard
- added canonical URL and nofollow attribute for calendar months (next / prev) (seo purposes)
- adjusted default event font color
- fixed paths issues for non lightbox booking form
- fixed issue with multiple calendars on same page
- fixed dead link in single service calendars in certain cases
New in version 1.3 (January 11, 2014)
- updated code to support BookingWizz v5.4
- updated code to support latest WordPress 3.8
New in version 1.2 (May 1, 2013)
- added shortcode menu to editor
- added compatibility with BookingWizz v5.3
- added new shortcode [bw_attendees_list eventID="X"] which allows to insert attendees list to page or post based on eventID
- adjusted how calendar works: removed red tooltip, added onclick event for calendar cell. If "show spaces available" enabled in admin - will be shown on the calendars at once.
- fixed several bugs impacting functionality
- added compatibility for jQuery 1.9.1
- overall code improvement
New in version 1.1 (July 16, 2012)
- modified shortcode for events list (now has calendar selector if multiple calendars used)
- fixed issue with wordpress location not in root during install process
- fixed schedule page - now has selector (must update to bookingwizz v5.2.1)
Initial release 1.0 (July 4, 2012)